

PHOTOS: Danilo Milovanović

"Rituals of Purification" is a video installation by Liza Šimenc and Tatiana Kocmur (tandem Kresnička), that was part of the broader project "Always and Forever," curated by Tal Gilad. It was created in 2020 as a result of the curatorial residency program AIR Celeia (Center for Contemporary Arts, Celje).

The video installation consisted of four video documents captured with a standalone camera, showcasing rituals performed in the rural-urban landscape near flowing water.

"The Rituals of Purification" is a series of outdoor performative acts of integration of difficult states. The artists establish a relationship between their bodies without adhering to any dogma, allowing one to merge with the other.

These rituals facilitate a holistic intensity and intimacy that transcends into enigmatic realms, where a captivating combination of materials remains. Through personal experience and using their own bodies, they convey the essence born from daily actions carried out as acts of magic.